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Don’t Get Caught Up With The Wrong Clinic And Regret It!


On 28 September 2017, the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission released a Public Warning relating to the unsafe and illegal practices of some Beauty Salons and Cosmetic Clinics.

So what does that mean for YOU?

Basically, it means that there are some clinics out there, right now, on the face of it above-board and credible, and supposedly working under the supervision of a registered Medical Practitioner, but in reality, they are NOT! They are relying on the general public being unaware of the Regulations and are thereby putting the health and safety of their patients at risk.

So, what are the Regulations and what can you do to protect yourself?

First and foremost – do your research thoroughly and confirm all the following points BEFORE consenting to any cosmetic procedure:

1. By law, prior to any:

  • Anti Wrinkle Treatments; or 
  • Wrinkle Filling Treatments

you must first be assessed by a registered Medical Practitioner (not a Nurse) from that very clinic. It is illegal for any of the above products (classed as Schedule 4 Medications) to be administered if you have not first been consulted by a registered Medical Practitioner and be under the direct care or supervision of that Medical Practitioner during and after your treatment.

In 2014, a Nurse Injector was suspended for administering Anti-Wrinkle Injections to a patient that had not been first seen by the doctor. Read more at http://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/action/PJUDG?jgmtid=172043

The administration of medications by non-registered and unqualified persons can be dangerous.  Consumers who receive treatments under these circumstances are taking enormous risks that could ultimately lead to life-changing injuries or even death – as sadly happened in 2017 with the tragic death of a Beauty Salon owner who received injections into her breasts from an unqualified practitioner.

In other words, receiving any of the above treatments by a Nurse after being consulted only by the Nurse and not the doctor of that practice, is both illegal and not in your best interests!

2. Are the products being offered to you listed on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG)?

The import and supply of medications that are not listed on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) is illegal and very dangerous since there is no way of determining the safety of these medications.

If the product offered hasn’t been approved by the ARTG – and a clinic is still offering it to you – it’s like playing Russian Roulette with your health and safety! 

Unfortunately, some clinics seek to attract clients by offering extremely discounted prices which they are able to do by purchasing cheap, counterfeit products from overseas. The packaging may even look like the genuine product but in reality, it may be anything but!

If ever in doubt – don’t be hesitant to ask the Clinic WHAT product they intend to use, where they purchased it from, and even check the packaging for authenticity and manufacturer’s details. Minor spelling mistakes on the packaging are virtual proof that the product is indeed counterfeit!  

3. Is the Clinic appropriately registered and properly equipped for infection control?

  • Having Cosmetic Injectables at premises where there is no registered Medical Practitioner present is unsafe and illegal, and you should immediately notify the relevant authority.
  • You should also satisfy yourself that the clinic adheres to the following basic hygiene requirements:

– the clinic needs to be clean and hygienic.

– the clinic must have a ‘Contaminated Waste Disposal’ system.

– the clinic needs to have a hand basin with a clean supply of water, a liquid soap dispenser and single-use towels, or a hand dryer, for drying hands.

– protective equipment needs to be worn by the person carrying out the procedure in the form of gloves that have never been used and a clean gown or apron.

– needles must not have been previously used and need to be properly disposed of in an appropriate ‘Sharps Container’.

– medication ampoules must only be used once and you are entitled to ask that the single-use ampoules are shown to you before the procedure starts.

4. Are you having Cosmetic Surgery?

There are extra protections in place for anyone undergoing cosmetic & plastic surgery procedures such as  liposuction, facial surgery, breast surgery, and body surgery, to name just some.

New legislation introduced in March 2017 requires that:

  • The above-mentioned procedures must only be performed in Licensed Hospitals or Licensed Day Surgery Centres.
  • The administration of an anaesthetic to achieve more than conscious sedation must only be performed in Licensed Hospitals or Licensed Day Surgery Centres.
  • The procedure is performed by a practitioner registered in Australia with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). You can verify your doctor’s registration at ahpra.gov.au

If the practitioner is not registered in Australia, DO NOT proceed!

5. Have you been properly informed?

The practitioner performing the procedure should provide you with enough information to enable you to make an informed decision about whether or not to have the procedure.

That means having a consultation where you are not rushed and are able to ask questions. Your consultation should be with the Doctor/Surgeon who’ll be doing your procedure, not by a Nurse or Sales Consultant of the practice.

Consumers should be provided with at least the following information:

  • What does the procedure involve?
  • Is the procedure new or experimental?
  • What products are being used in the procedure and are these products registered?
  • What are the likely outcomes of the procedure?
  • What are the risks and possible complications associated with the procedure?

So that’s a whole lot of advice, but what does it all mean?

Basically, it just means going to a reputable, honest, and regulation-abiding Clinic. Avoid any clinic which is not professional in its treatment of you, is unclean or unhygienic, and does not use proper protective equipment and instrument sterilisation.

When it comes to Cosmetic Surgery procedures, the law requires that you, as the patient, MUST be assessed by the Doctor/Surgeon who will perform your procedure. You should not be assessed only by a Nurse or other staff employee.

An additional way of protecting yourself when considering Cosmetic Surgery is to ask the Medical Practitioner about their qualifications, training, and relevant experience in the procedure you are considering. You are entitled to ask these!

One other thing to always keep in mind when comparing prices for cosmetic procedures is to also remember to compare QUALITY!

Don’t be caught into spending less now and then needing much more to fix it later – and that’s provided it’s fixable.

If you can’t afford to have the procedure, treatment, or surgery with a reputable Clinic now, the next best thing to do is wait until you can!




Sydney Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Clinic is no newcomer. In fact, we are one of Sydney’s leading cosmetic clinics established over 30 years ago. These days, we have a team of experienced doctors offering the full spectrum of cosmetic procedures to meet the needs of every patient.

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