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Expression Lines & Wrinkles Sydney

The current regulations in Australia regarding the advertising of Anti Wrinkle Injections

New Regulations Prohibit The Advertising of 'Anti Wrinkle Injections'

On 7 March 2024, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), Australia’s government authority responsible for assessing, monitoring and regulating medicines and medical devices, reinforced its regulations on the advertising of various cosmetic injectables.

TGA reminded doctors that Anti Wrinkle Injections, Dermal Fillers, and Fat Dissolving Injections are Schedule 4 Prescription Medicines and therefore, are not permitted in the advertising of cosmetic health services. Also prohibited are before/after photographs and prices of such treatments. The TGA has the power to prosecute and fine clinics contravening these Regulations.

In effect, this means that previous, commonly used terms such as ‘Anti Wrinkle Injections’, ‘Wrinkle Reducing Injections’, ‘Dermal Fillers’, ‘Lip Fillers’ etc. are not permitted on the reasoning that those terms would likely result in a consumer understanding that the terms are promoting the use or supply of a prescription medicine.

On its website, TGA has stated the following:

“Either directly or indirectly, you cannot make any reference in your advertisement for cosmetic injection services to prescription-only substances or to product trade names of such products. This includes acronyms, nicknames, abbreviations and hashtags, which may be taken by a consumer as a reference to a specific prescription-only medicine or substance. 

This includes: 

  • anti-wrinkle injections 
  • dermal fillers 
  • injectable products used for improvement of the appearance of submental fat.” 


Accordingly, in compliance with TGA’s regulations, Sydney Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Clinic regrets to advise that it has had to remove its previous, detailed website information on Anti Wrinkle Injections along with its ‘before & after’ photographs, and costs of such treatments.

Henceforth, all detailed information on Anti Wrinkle Injections will only be available at a consultation.

Reassuringly, our clinic will continue to provide its full range of Non-Surgical Facial Treatments under the highest of professional standards by ‘doctors only’ as it has always done over the last 30 years!

To learn more, speak to one of our friendly Clinical Advisors on 9267 3322.

The Commonly Requested Facial Treatment Areas

Descriptions of Above Treatment Areas

  • Forehead Lines (horizontal lines also known as ‘Surprise lines’): These are lines resulting from the repeated action of the forehead’s frontalis muscle lifting the eyebrows such as when expressing a ‘surprise’. Smoothing these lines can deliver a more refreshed appearance. The best corrections are achieved when the lines are in their early stages. On the other hand, if the lines are too deep for non-surgical correction, Laser Resurfacing may be the better option.
  • Brow Lift (Non-Surgical): a customised treatment to lift a ‘heavy’ brow, and, in turn, reduce any heaviness of the upper eyelids for a fresher, more relaxed appearance. Our Non-Surgical Brow Lift can be customised to lift only the outer brow or the whole brow. If however, you prefer a more permanent brow lift solution, visit our Surgical Brow Lift option for more information. 
  • Eyebrow Lift: A treatment to lift the entire eyebrow non-surgically, deliver a refreshed and less intense ‘look’, and remove any heaviness on the upper eyelids. However, if you are looking for a more permanent solution, learn about our Surgical Brow Lift.

  • Frown Lines are the vertical lines between the eyebrows caused by repeated frowning, and they convey an impression of being stressed and worried. Our non-surgical treatments can soften and smooth these lines and furrows to deliver a more relaxed, refreshed appearance. Frown lines can also be improved surgically with a Surgical Brow Lift.

  • Crow’s Feet are lines that appear at the sides of the eyes when smiling or squinting. Initially, they appear only when performing those expressions and correct nicely with non-surgical treatments. However, if left untreated over time, they can become ‘etched’ into the skin, in which event, our Laser Skin Resurfacing could be the better option.

  • Under-Eye Lines form in everyone as a natural part of the ageing process. They start to appear when the skin loses elasticity and becomes looser. When early, we can treat these lines non-surgically but when the skin has lost a significant amount of elasticity, the best option may well be Laser Skin Resurfacing to help restore the skin’s firmness, or if very loose, Lower Eyelid Surgery

  • Bunny Lines are the expression lines that appear on the sides of the upper nose when you ‘scrunch up’ your nose. They can be treated either non-surgically, or they may form part of a full-face Laser Skin Resurfacing procedure.

  • Nose Tip Lifting can be achieved by relaxing the muscle that tend to pull the nasal tip downwards.
  • Lip Flip is a non-surgical procedure that makes your lips appear fuller, but it does need to be repeated every 3-4 months. If you prefer a more permanent solution, you may wish to consider our Lip Lift Surgery procedure.

  • Gummy Smile is the term used to describe gums showing on hard smiling. It results from overly powerful smile muscles that excessively draw the upper lip upwards on smiling. It’s a quick, simple, and easily affordable non-surgical treatment but it does need to be repeated every 3-4 months.

  • Downturned Corners of Mouth create an unwarranted sad appearance. They can be corrected by targeting the DAO (Depressor Anguli Oris) muscles to lift the corners of the mouth. The condition can also be improved as part of a Full Face Lift.
  • Chin Crease forms when the natural cleft in the skin between the chin and the lower lip becomes deep and forms a crease. If very deep, it may not sufficiently correct.

  • Chin Peau d’ Orange refers to the uneven bumps and dimpling of the skin over the chin that resembles the skin of an orange.

  • Facial Slimming can be achieved non-surgically by relaxing the masseter muscles over the angles of the jaw. Treatments do need to be repeated every 3-4 months but the results can be very impressive.
  • Chin Peau d’Orange refers to the uneven bumps and dimpling of the skin over the chin that resembles the skin of an orange.
  • Vertical Neck Bands can be improved non-surgically or during Neck Lift Surgery.

Reasons to Choose Our Clinic For Your Treatments

  1. Our Clinic was the first to introduce the cosmetic use of this revolutionary treatment into Australia way back in 1994, so no other clinic in Australia has been doing it longer!
  2. Our Treatment Standards

Since introducing this well-known and very popular treatment, our clinic has always adhered to the 3 essential criteria that deliver the best and longest lasting corrections. The more your treatment departs from each of the following criteria, the poorer will be your result:

    • The ‘freshness’ of the product is paramount: Always ensure the product you are going to have injected was not opened more than 24 hours ago and stored in a refrigerator. Products used to treat Expression Lines come in multi-dose vials, do not contain preservative, and therefore should be used within 24 hours of opening.

Using product that was opened longer than 24 hours ago may not only be less effective, but there’s also a risk that in the interim, it may have been contaminated, and produce a serious infection when next injected.

    • Adequate dosage: Dosage is measured in terms of ‘units’ and each area of the face needs an optimum number of ‘units’ to deliver the best possible result. The ideal dosage can vary between individuals depending on the strength of their facial expression muscles. At Sydney Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Clinic, we always customise the dosages for every patient to deliver the best possible result in each facial area.

Adequate dosage is crucial to achieve the best and longest-lasting corrections. Insufficient doses deliver less duration, less correction, or both. Even worse, the practice of spreading a small dose over several areas – the so-called “a little bit here and a little bit there” technique – is a flawed technique that delivers only a fraction of the correct dose into each area – the result being weaker corrections and shorter durations in ALL the areas treated!

    • Accurate placement – only possible if your Injector has a sound and detailed knowledge of facial anatomy. With only the best interests of our patients in mind, we remain a ‘Doctor-Only’ Clinic. Nurses are admirable and skilled individuals within their profession, but their training does not teach detailed facial anatomy – essential for delivering the most accurate placement of the product and avoiding complications.

As an illustrative story, one of our patients from Newcastle drove to see us in Sydney because she’d had injections to her ‘crows-feet’ by a Nurse in Newcastle. Without a sound knowledge of facial anatomy, the Nurse had injected too low on her cheekbone and paralysed the muscle controlling one side of her upper lip, causing that side of her mouth to droop. For a whole three months until the treatment wore off, people were asking her when she had suffered her stroke! She vowed to never again be injected by a Nurse and regularly travels from Newcastle to us in Sydney for her treatments.

    3. We use only genuine, approved products.

Always check the brand you’re getting and don’t be tempted by ultra-cheap treatments which could reflect a non-approved or counterfeit product that could cause serious complications. Your best strategy to avoid non-approved and counterfeit products is to always have your treatments done at reputable, high standard clinics.

Our Cosmetic Doctors