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Thigh Lift

Your complete guide and quick links to everything you want to know about having a Thigh Lift in Sydney!! ​

What Is A Thigh Lift?

Thigh Lift is a surgical procedure to improve the appearance of the upper inner thighs by removing the excess skin and fat to create a tighter and more toned appearance. 

Thigh Lift Surgery is really the only effective way to remove loose skin and excess fat from the upper inner thighs.  

Can Loose Thigh Skin Be Tightened Without Surgery?

Unfortunately, NO.

No amount of exercise can shrink the loose and saggy skin that has come about from loss of skin elasticity.

Nor can non-surgical treatments that claim to tighten skin ever replace a surgical Thigh Lift if that is truly required. 

Can Liposuction Alone Correct The Problem?

If your inner thighs are not excessively bulky and your thighs don’t have loose skin from loss of the skin’s elasticity, thigh fat removal by liposuction alone, may be an option.

If, however, your Inner Thighs are bulky from excess fat and have loose saggy skin as well, a Thigh Lift plus Liposuction will be required.

Performing only liposuction when there is also loose saggy skin, will reduce the bulkiness of the thighs but it cannot tighten the loose skin, and with the bulkiness reduced, the skin will look even looser!

Who Is A Good Candidate?

Thigh Fat Removal
Typical Inner Thigh Appearance Suitable For Thigh Lift Surgery

You could be a good candidate for Thigh Lift Surgery if:

  • You have a significant excess of loose skin on your inner thighs (with or without an excess of fat)
  • You are in good general health.
  • You do not smoke. Smoking impairs the healing process and increases the risk of serious complications during and after surgery. If you smoke, you must quit at least six weeks before the surgery.
  • You do not have diabetes.
  • Your weight is stable and you are not grossly overweight.

Patients with other significant health conditions could be at a greater risk of complications during and after surgery and therefore would require a full medical assessment before being considered for Thigh Lift Surgery.

How Is A Thigh Lift Done?

Thigh Lift Surgery is to be performed in a Licensed Hospital under General Anaesthesia and can take anywhere from 2½ to 4 hours depending on the extent of the surgery.

Your Surgeon will first mark the excess skin to be removed with you in a standing position.

Thigh Lift Sydney

A standard thigh lift incision runs in the crease of the groin back to the crease of the buttock. The loose skin is then pulled upwards towards the groin and the excess skin is trimmed off. 

If your thigh skin is excessively loose, an additional vertical incision may need to be added on the inner aspect of the thigh as shown in the following illustration.

Thigh Lift

Essentially, the length and pattern of your incisions will depend on how much thigh skin needs to be removed. If you also have excess fat with the loose skin, liposuction may need to be included.

Finally, the incisions are closed, usually with dissolving sutures.

When you wake, you will find dressings in place over your thighs and you may have a small drainage tube exiting from each thigh to drain away unwanted fluid accumulations. These drainage tubes are usually removed the next day.  

Once the bandages and drainage tubes are removed, you will need to start wearing your Compression Garment. This garment needs to be worn for the next 6 weeks to help your thighs heal faster and produce a better final result.  

Although a better upper thigh shape will be apparent immediately after the surgery, bear in mind that your thigh tissues are still swollen and it will take another 3-4 weeks for most of the swelling to subside.  

If your Thigh Lift has been more extensive than usual, you may need to remain in hospital for 1 or 2 nights. However, as soon as you’re able to walk freely, you can return home.

Recovery After A Thigh Lift

  • Plan well ahead of your surgery to have help when you return home and until such time as you can comfortably conduct your daily activities without assistance. 
  • Once home, don’t try and do too much, too soon. Take things easy. Short walks in your home will assist with healing as will adequate rest. 
  • If it proves helpful, you can place a pillow under each thigh to slightly flex the thighs and relieve any tension on the incisions.  
  • Full recovery takes around 3-4 weeks so you should expect to be off work for that amount of time. 
  • As your tightened skin stretches, your range of movements will slowly increase until you regain your full range of movement. 
  • You must continue to wear your Compression Garment for 6 weeks.  
  • Thigh Lift results are typically long lasting. Remember, however, that your skin will naturally lose some firmness as you age and some skin laxity might return, but never to the degree it was prior to the Thigh Lift. 

The Scars After A Thigh Lift

The extent of your Thigh Lift incision and final scars will essentially depend on how much loose skin you had to start with as shown in the above illustrations.

Although most scars fade over time, they never completely disappear. Moreover, the appearances of the final scars in anyone can never be predicted or controlled. Wide or thickened scars (hypertrophic or keloid) could occur if you are prone to them and pigmented scars are more likely in those with brown or Asian skin.

Potential Risks & Complications of a Thigh Lift

Surgery and anaesthesia nowadays are considered generally safe but both have potential risks and complications which include:

Specific to a Thigh Lift:

  • Post-operative pain, bruising and swelling around the operated areas. These are normal, expected and temporary.
  • Bleeding and Hematoma (a collection of blood under the skin) which if large, may require a return to theatre to be drained.
  • Wound infection requiring topical wound care and antibiotics.
  • Slow or poor healing. More likely in smokers and diabetics.
  • Temporary restriction of thigh movements due to the tightened skin.
  • Seroma (excess fluid accumulation under the skin) requiring one or more aspirations.
  • Wide or thickened scars (hypertrophic or keloid) could occur if you are prone to them and pigmented scars are more likely in those with brown or Asian skin.
  • Areas of skin numbness around the operated areas, usually temporary, rarely permanent.
  • Skin breakdown which could require skin grafting.
  • Distortion of genital appearance, especially in women.

General Risks:

  • Allergic reaction to medications, sutures, dressings, or antiseptic solutions.
  • Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) and its potential to cause life-threatening Pulmonary Embolism. To reduce the risk of DVT, Calf Massagers can be applied for the entire duration of your surgery to prevent the blood in your leg veins from pooling and clotting.
  • Adverse Reactions to Anaesthesia or Medication: The safety of anaesthesia nowadays in Australia is well established. Nevertheless, potential risks exist with all anaesthesia and unexpected reactions can occur. These may include nausea, vomiting, and allergic reactions ranging from minor to severe. Respiratory failure, heart failure, heart attack and stroke are rare but documented risks of any general anaesthesia.

Thigh Lift ‘Before & After’

Thigh Lift Sydney
6 Months After Thigh Lift Sydney
6 Months After Extended Thigh Lift Following Massive Weight Loss

‘Pros & Cons’ of Thigh Lifts

The Pros:

  • Your thighs will have a shapelier, firmer and more toned appearance.
  • You will find it much easier to wear well-fitted clothing.
  • You will no longer have to endure the unpleasant rubbing of the thighs against each other.
  • Your ability to exercise will be easier and more comfortable.

The Cons:

  • You will have a scar in the crease of your groin that extends as far back as the crease of your buttock.
  • If your thigh skin is excessively loose, you may have an additional vertical scar on the inner aspect of the thigh as shown in the illustrations above.

The Cost of a Thigh Lift in Sydney

  • Thigh Lift Surgery

The total cost of a Thigh Lift in Sydney is made up of the following individual costs:

  • Surgical Fee: From $13,500* depending on the extent of the surgery required.
  • Hospital Fee: Hospitals differ in their hourly rates for Operating Theatres and Accommodation Fees if you need to stay in hospital after your procedure. Our Surgeon will advise you of your approximate hospital costs once it has been determined how long your procedure will take and whether you will need to stay overnight in hospital.
  • Anaesthetist Fee: This will basically depend on the duration of your surgery. Anaesthetic Fees are generally around $880/hour.
  • Post-Operative Compression Garment

Can I Claim a Medicare or Private Health Insurance Rebate?

Unfortunately, only a minority of Thigh Lift Surgery patients are eligible to claim a partial Medicare Rebate because of Medicare’s strict criteria of eligibility.

If you meet ALL of Medicare’s criteria of eligibility and you also have Private Hospital Cover, you may also be able to claim a variable portion of your Hospital Fees depending on your Fund and Level of Cover.

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