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Facial Volumisation, Shape Enhancement, & Wrinkle Reduction in Sydney

Update on the current regulations in Australia regarding the advertising of Dermal Fillers for Facial Treatments!

New Regulations Prohibit The Advertising of 'Dermal Fillers'

On 7 March 2024, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), Australia’s government authority responsible for assessing, monitoring and regulating medicines and medical devices, reinforced its regulations on the advertising of various cosmetic injectables.

TGA reminded doctors that Dermal Fillers, Anti Wrinkle Injections, and Fat Dissolving Injections are Schedule 4 Prescription Medicines and therefore, are not permitted in the advertising of cosmetic health services. Also prohibited are before/after photographs and prices of such treatments. The TGA has the power to prosecute and fine clinics contravening these Regulations.

In effect, this means that previous, commonly used terms such as ‘Dermal Fillers’, ‘Lip Fillers’, Anti Wrinkle Injections’, etc. are not permitted on the reasoning that those terms would likely result in a consumer understanding that the terms are promoting the use or supply of a Prescription Medicine.

On its website, TGA stated the following:

“Either directly or indirectly, you cannot make any reference in your advertisement for cosmetic injection services to prescription-only substances or to product trade names of such products. This includes acronyms, nicknames, abbreviations and hashtags, which may be taken by a consumer as a reference to a specific prescription-only medicine or substance. 

This includes: 

  • anti-wrinkle injections 
  • dermal fillers 
  • injectable products used for improvement of the appearance of submental fat.” 


Accordingly, in order to comply with TGA’s regulations, Sydney Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Clinic regrets to advise that it has had to remove its previous detailed website information on Dermal Fillers along with its ‘before & after’ photographs, and costs of such treatments.

Henceforth, all detailed information on Dermal Fillers will only be available at a consultation.

Reassuringly, our clinic will continue to provide its full range of Non-surgical Facial Treatments under the highest of professional standards by ‘doctors only’ as it has always done over the last 30 years!

To learn more, speak to one of our friendly Clinical Advisors on 9267 3322.

The Commonly Requested Areas for Treatment

Treatment Area Descriptions

  • Forehead Contouring: Delivers volume restoration to the forehead, thereby helping to balance the face, smooth any forehead depressions, and improve forehead wrinkles. However, if horizontal wrinkles are the major concern, either non-surgical treatments for expression lines or Laser Resurfacing could be better options.
  • Brow Lift:  This is a non-surgical method of lifting a ‘heavy’ brow, and, in turn, reducing any heaviness of the upper eyelids to deliver a fresher, more relaxed appearance. The technique can be customised to lift only the outer brow or the whole brow. If, however, you prefer a more permanent brow lift solution, refer to our Surgical Brow Lift page for more information. 
  • Eyebrow Lift: A treatment to lift the entire eyebrow non-surgically, deliver a refreshed and less intense ‘look’, and remove any heaviness on the upper eyelids. However, if you are looking for a more permanent solution, refer to our Surgical Brow Lift.

  • Temple ‘Hollows’ are depressions in each temple area that result from soft tissue and bone resorption changes as we age.
  • Frown Lines are the vertical lines or furrows between the eyebrows caused by repeated frowning, creating an impression of being worried or stressed. Non-surgical treatments in this area need expert care and skill  to avoid serious visual complications such as blindness. Frown lines can also be improved surgically with an Endoscopic Brow Lift.
  • ‘Tear Troughs’ refer to the grooves that run downwards from each inner corner of the eyes, and can cause hollows and dark circles under the eyes. They can be corrected non-surgically or more permanently with Lower Eyelid Surgery.

  • Higher Cheekbones are often requested to create a more sculpted and striking appearance that many consider attractive. Higher cheekbones can be achieved either non-surgically or surgically by inserting cheek implants. 

  • Cheek ‘Hollows’: As we age, or when we lose significant amounts of weight, the cheeks across the midface start to lose volume, at first flattening, and finally becoming sunken. Restoration of cheek volume non-surgically can dramatically reverse these appearances and rejuvenate the face. Mid-face cheek enhancement can also form part of our Face Lift procedures.

  •  Nose Reshaping when performed non-surgically is commonly termed a ‘Non-Surgical Nose Job’ or Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty. The technique is useful to temporarily camouflage various nasal shape deformities such as nasal ‘humps’ and tip deformities. Corrections can last up to 12 months depending on the treatment. However, if you prefer a permanent solution, please visit our page titled Surgical Rhinoplasty.

  • Acne Scars: Not all shapes of acne scars are amenable to non-surgical treatments. Those that respond best are the ‘valley’ shapes of acne scars. Other scar shapes might require excision or Laser Resurfacing.

  • ‘Smile Lines’ are the lines or deep grooves that run from the nose down to the corner of the mouth. If not deep, they may be amenable to non-surgical correction, otherwise they can often be improved with a surgical Face Lift, especially an Extended Deep Plane Facelift .

  • Upper Lip Lines – sometimes called ‘Smoker’s Lines even though they more often occur in non-smokers! They can be softened with non-surgical treatments every 4-6 months but in our experience, the best and longest lasting corrections are seen with Laser Resurfacing.

  • Fuller Lips are very popular and can be achieved either non-surgically or surgically. If your are amenable to surgery to avoid the repeated cost of non-surgical treatments, visit our page on Lip Lift Surgery

  • Marionette Lines are the lines that run downwards from each corner of the mouth. They can be softened with regular non-surgical treatments or corrected permanently during a Face Lift, especially with an Extended Deep Plane Facelift. 

  • Jawline Definition: A strong, well-defined jawline creates a clear, more attractive, and youthful separation between face and neck. Jawline definition can be achieved with non-surgical treatments at 6-monthly intervals or permanently during Face Lift Surgery

  • Chin Projection to correct an under-developed or so-called ‘weak chin’ can detract from an otherwise attractive profile. Non-surgical treatments every 6-12 months can improve that profile. However, if you prefer a more permanent solution, or if your degree of chin under-development is greater than can be corrected non-surgically, you may wish to consider Chin Implant Surgery.

Not Sure Where To Start? 

Why not start with a ‘Total Facial Rejuvenation Consultation’ and learn ALL your non-surgical options?

Sydney Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Clinic offers detailed Non-Surgical ‘Total Facial Rejuvenation Consultations’ by one of our experienced Cosmetic Doctors.

Our Cosmetic Doctor will carefully assess your face and explain very honestly which non-surgical treatments are worth your consideration, and which are not! 

And if he believes that a particular procedure you may have had in mind will not meet your goals, he will definitely tell you so and why!

And just as important, if our Cosmetic Doctor truly believes that your objectives cannot be achieved non-surgically, he will suggest that you make an appointment to see one of our Plastic Surgeons.

It can be really frustrating for patients when they’ve been ‘sold’ a treatment at a clinic that simply was never destined to deliver the results the patient wanted. That can easily happen if a clinic has a limited range of treatments on offer.

Rest assured, at Sydney Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Clinic, we offer a full range of non-surgical treatments that have proven to be effective and worthwhile. And, if we believe that no non-surgical treatment would meet your goals, we have a team of Specialist Plastic Surgeons who can help!

Why Choose Sydney Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Clinic For Your Non-Surgical Face Treatments

  1. Our Experience: Our clinic has been performing Non-Surgical Face Treatments for over 30 years!
  2. Our Doctors: We are a ‘Doctor Only’ Clinic with all non-surgical treatments being performed by experienced, skilled, and well-trained Cosmetic Doctors. We don’t have Nurse Injectors.
  3. We offer Total Facial Rejuvenation Consultations at which patients receive a comprehensive facial assessment and learn all their non-surgical treatment options.
  4. We use only genuine, approved products for all non-surgical treatments: Always check the brand you’re getting and don’t be tempted by ultra-cheap treatments which could reflect a non-approved or counterfeit product that could cause serious complications. The safest way to avoid non-approved and counterfeit products is to always have your treatments done at reputable, high standard clinics.

Our Cosmetic Doctors